Monday, May 28, 2012

Oh, you're crying...dID i SoUND ThaT Bad?!?!?!

Something happened the other day that has literally never happened to me before... I made a woman cry. Okay, left at just that statement alone I sound like a horrible guy. Especially for putting it in a blog, but let me start at the beginning.

Since the summer started I've not really done much with myself. My first week of the break I didn't really leave the couch or my bed. In fact, I watched all the episodes of How I Met Your Mother on Netflix, which is 6 seasons long. To be honest, I didn't really want to do much with myself but come the second week of summer I actually had something to look forward to... my piano lesson.

My piano teacher is excited about teaching, which is awesome. That's actually her JOB! Not a side thing that she does to get extra money, but teaching is how she gets by and she's really good at it. To be honest, I was a little surprised at how good she was at it when I showed up. After a fiasco with three of her other students trying to figure out parking, I finally arrived. I started by playing a single scale for her (my best friend, the C major scale) and she quickly noted several ways to improve my playing and we got to work. Those first two lessons were brutal. Playing scale after scale at painfully slow speeds to make sure my posture and technique were just right, and after the scales we moved on to other tedious exercises. But by the third lesson I had made the corrections she was looking for and we began to actually work on music. I was excited about something again for my summer.

The difference between that first and second week of summer were significant. For instance, the first thing I did when I woke up this morning was pull out the MIDI Controller (still working on a name for her and she's really upset it's taking this long) and started writing music for my upcoming wedding gig in two weeks. I'm practicing my old audition pieces, but I'm also writing my own arrangements of music for performances. Staying up every morning till 3:00 am writing music and trying to make something that's worth listening to has been awesome!

But that brings me back to where I started; the crying lady. I met with a singer that I perform with a lot and we chose music for a wedding we are playing in two weeks and then a couple of days later we met with the couple that's to be married and we showed them what it is that we would like to play for them. We finally worked out what they'd like to have played during the wedding and then we started discussing pre-ceremony music to set the mood. I played two pieces for them; Holy Holy Holy arranged by Jim Brickman, and Hymne written by Vangelus. I've played Holy Holy Holy literally dozens of times and I've played Hymne a bunch as well so they were easy for me, but something odd happened. While I was playing the second piece I got the feeling that the couple didn't like what I was playing. Enough so, actually, that they wanted me to stop. I'm not sure where this came from, but I decided that it would be best if I kept playing anyways and tried to play the piece better than I ever have before. When I finished playing I looked up and the bride-to-be was in tears. She said it was beautiful and that it was the one piece she most looked forward to hearing on her big wedding day. WELL HOT DANG! I didn't see that one coming.

I guess it just goes to show how far just a little bit of effort can get you. I got tears out of the deal. Maybe with just a little bit more effort I can get into a music program?!?! Who knows...

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