Monday, July 9, 2012

Bear with me for a second.

The other day I thought I'd see what I'd find if I just typed in random words into Google images and see what comes up. I ended up searching "depressed bear" and these are the fruits of my labor. I hope you find that these distract you, like me, from that nagging thought inside of you urging you to consider being a stand up, contributing member of society.

Being a contributing member of society is, in fact, no fun at all. Don't fall for it. You will end up like these bears (depressed and hairy). Society may attempt to trick you with cake, but it's a dry cake with gross icing made of...lies. They actually compounded the concept of deceit into an icing. You may be wondering if this icing has a flavor. Is it chocolate or vanilla frosting? Nope. IT'S SUBTERFUGE FLAVORED!

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