Friday, January 6, 2012


Meh. Today is gonna be my break, I guess. My back hurts, I've played piano like crazy today already, and it's 10:45 and I haven't even started playing scales yet for today. I've practiced, don't get me wrong, but scales will be continued tomorrow.

I am working on memorizing some more and I'm getting myself ready to get back into the swing of the new semester, but the big thing on my plate is preparing for the funeral tomorrow. No, it's not anybody I know. Somebody's asked me to play, which is kind of new territory for me. I've done weddings before, and I've attended funerals, but never have I ever played piano AT a funeral before. Why I emphasized "at", I'll never know...

Here's my beef for the today. Say you have a hobby, like playing the piano (or juggling fiery chainsaws whilst covered in gasoline), and you decide you really want to get on Youtube and see what other people are doing with their passion for piano or juggling dangerous weapons covered in flaming hot dangerousness. So you type in "Piano" or "Fiery Chainsaw Accident" and the first few things that appear are kind of boring. You flip through some until you get to the results that say something like this;

"Three Year Old Whiz at Debussy's Revrie", or "You Pianist Better than You" or "Kid playing with sharp fiery objects and somehow getting away with it, and being good at it."...

Those children need to not be allowed on YouTube. Prodigies should just not happen. I realize we'd be losing a lot of wonderful musical talent in the world, but I'm sure we'll get along. Or at least we need to make all prodigies take a slice of humble pie and be required to work at a McDonald's one day before they graduate college so they can taste what it's like on this side of the fence. I hate working my behind off to learn a piece to discover that there's a child somewhere in the world who could play the same thing upon exiting the womb!

I'm working myself up, here. Maybe I should play scales tonight. I need Dr. Pepper, first. To Wal-Mart! AWAY!!!

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