Thursday, January 5, 2012


There is a growing collection of everyday household items in my house that want to murder me and the next one is my piano bench. I sat on it and it made a weird sound that most would have translated to a squeaking sound, similar to the groans of an old house creaking but I most definitely heard it make a sound more like a voice saying "I WANT YOUR BLOOD!" so I drop kicked that sucker and got a new piano bench!

So today I'm talking about the Karate Kid, because that's what I feel like right now. Allow me to explain...

In the Karate Kid, Daniel (that's right, I even remembered that fool's name!) is training to be a ninja assassin warrior of revenge and cliche'd movies and such or something. He begins his training by doing the most random household for the benefit of his trainer, Mickey. Actually, I think Mickey trained Rocky, but whatever. About three years into his training or so (don't quote me on that number), Daniel began to wonder why he wasn't learning any martial arts but was instead acting as Mickey's (or whoever's) man-maid-servant-butler-thing. Only then would he discover that by doing these seemingly meaningless tasks would he realize that they were only seemingly meaningless and were, in fact, unseemingly meaningful. He learned how to do karate by doing chores, only proving once more that our parents are Jedi knights and we should probably listen to them.

How does this relate to me? Well, it all comes back to my audition. You see, I have three pieces I have to learn and memorize and I'm currently spending a total of 0 hours a day actually playing these pieces right now. 5 hours a day (give or take) are spent playing through exercises. And here's the craziest thing; I tried to play my songs today and they actually came out fairly decent without much actual practice. I'm spending my time getting down fundamentals first and then learning the pieces, because I don't want to learn them wrong or anything. So, scales it is. Wouldn't you know it, my band directors were right about practice habits. THEY ARE JEDI KNIGHTS TOO!!!

P.S. If this blog post gets to you before I see you again tell my family the Bench is feisty and will stop at nothing to get the flesh and blood meal it desires. Don't go near it! I play the piano only at my own risk.

 I am very much aware that the information on the Karate Kid is incorrect so don't think I'm an idiot. Or at least don't consider me more or less of an idiot than I actually am. I only permit you to judge me of the correct level of idiocy.

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